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Last week while in my Pauline Theology class a classmate of ours, who just happen to be a sister of charity, gave a presentation on 1 Corinthians 13 and at the end of the presentation she played a song for us.  It was sung by the sisters during a mass and listening to the beautiful sounds of their voices brought tears to my eyes.

“Love bares all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things.”

Before Sister started the song she encouraged everyone in the class to sing along.  I wasn’t sure if that was going to happen, but much to my surprise, many did sing along.  The sounds of unity among the class, was something very beautiful.  Music moves me anyway, but to be in a classroom with strangers who have come together to learn about the Apostle Paul and then to hear them sing along, well it moved me in many ways.

When I first stated Returning the Gift I knew my mission would focus mainly on my faith.  I knew I would need strength and courage to bare my soul.  I always had hope in the darkest of times and knew it would be the light to get me through.  Inspiration, well that just comes from my surroundings.  From the people who come in and out of my life, even if only for a moment.  Inspiration comes from everything and everywhere. But as 2009 turned into 2010 and then 2011, LOVE seem to take over the theme of everything I was doing.  When I started writing my memoir, LOVE seem to be where I found GOD the most.

The more I study Paul’s letters, the more I realize why LOVE is so important and rounds out my mission.

Faith, Hope, Courage, Strength, Inspiration and most of all LOVE!

Without LOVE I am truly not developing into the Christian God wants me to become.  Without LOVE, I cannot be the patient and understanding mother to my teenage boys.  Without LOVE, I could not have been married to my husband for over 17 years.  Without LOVE, I could not have survived the past couple of years. LOVE is the one thing that has never failed me.

Love does truly bare all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. LOVE helps me to see God more clearly, understand my life more deeply, and continues to grow my faith stronger with each passing day.  LOVE never fails!

Do I completely understand all the things I should?  Can I answer all the “why is this happening or why does life seem so unfair at times”, no I wish I could, at least for my children.  I can only continue to keep LOVE at the forefront of my life and know that within the LOVE is GOD guiding the way.  God is all things!

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Video comes from Youtube.  Music and text by David Haas. Song based on love in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 New Testament Holy Bible.

Luv, Luv,



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