It is late Sunday night and yes I should be in bed asleep, but I am not. Why? Because I write when I am inspired and that happens at different times in the day. Like earlier today when I was sweeping dog hair up off the floor, I was thinking about some friends. I wanted to stop, put the broom down and go write. But I just had to get my floor swept. So I put the thoughts away and continued to sweep the floor. Now the house is quiet. It’s about 12:00 am. I can hear the crickets and all the other noises outside my window. There is a cool breeze blowing through and It is very relaxing and a good time to write. About the only thing bugging me right now is the bright screen I am looking at on my computer. But I type on………………
It’s what you don’t know about someone that will move you! Move you to like them? Move you to dislike them? Cause you to move away from them? All good questions, but don’t you think it’s that part you don’t know that you might want to get to know?
I read a book called “Smile for No Good Reason” about two years ago. Small little book, by Lee L. Jampolsky. He says its “Simple things you can do now to get happy”. In the book he tells a story of him being really tired while riding a tram or bus home. As he was sitting there exhausted when he noticed a man struggling to keep his children in check. They were being a little loud and running around on the bus. He admits his first reaction was to be annoyed, but instead he walks over and sits next to the man on the bus and asks him if he is ok and would he like any help. Turns out, the man’s wife had just passed away, and they were just leaving the hospital to go home to make arrangements for her funeral. He admitted to Lee that he was beside himself and that he didn’t have the strength to keep the kids under control. I can’t remember if Lee ended up helping the guy or just sat there with him to listen. But regardless he cared enough to ask, to befriend a person whom he had never known or met before.
Every day we walk out the door and make a choice. Will we treat each person we know with love and kindness? Or will we walk out the door hating everyone we come across? I personally choose to smile for no good reason. For a smile in a room will brighten it up, drawl people toward you and make life better all around. Don’t believe me. Then I challenge you to do it. For an entire day, smile at everyone you meet. Say Hello or Good morning even if you don’t know them. You might get a weird look every now and then, but I bet you get more positive back than you think you will.
See we think we know………………… We think we know all there is to know about a person. But we really don’t know what they are feeling down deep inside. We don’t know what troubles and tribulations they are going through. We don’t know if they are suffering with no one to hug them. We just don’t know. We meet people all the time, at work, church, games, bars, camping, all over the place. We think because we met them once we know them. I know her, she is so pretty. She goes to church and always says hello to me. I bet she has it all together. Her family comes with her sometimes. They are so nice too. I wish I could be like them, have what they have. These are all thoughts that have gone through our minds at some point in time in our lives
So let’s step back a minute. Take a look inside. What you might find will surprise you. They too could be saying the same about your family. They too could be struggling with life. They too could have spouse communication breakdown. A Financial breakdown and teenagers. They just might be able to relate to you. But you would never know, because that would be bearing of the sole to someone who you just met. And that is scary. What will they think of me? What will they say about me after I am gone? Will they think differently of me? All good questions, but remember if you approach with love you will get love in return. You approach with Judgment; you will get the judgment in return. Even in the times you give love you might get judgment, but hang onto love it makes you feel so much better.
We should never assume we know what’s going on in someone life. If you need to know because you want to help, then ask. Smile and ask in a loving way, how you can help. Lee L. Jampolsky states in his book “We are all students and teachers of each other”. So why not expand the classroom and invite all who need prayer and support to come in and share in the Love and Faith of God.
I know I am here and ready for new experiences, for new friendships, to see faces with beautiful smiles. To open hearts and to share mine! So thank you to all those who have inspired me lately with kindness, friendship, with honesty and truth, with committment and determination!
Kelley, Shannon, Lisa, Jim, Karen, Kelly, Terry, Jenny, and Lorrie, these are just a few of the names who have shown me such inspiration in the past week. I thank God that each of you have come into my life. The love of God and the love of one another!
Good Night!
Luv, luv,