Have you ever been on facebook and click on the application “God wants you to know”? It always seems to be there building up the numbers of messages each time you choose not to click on it. One, two, three messages of what God wants you to know each day.
It would be nice if life was that simple. God giving us instructions via email, an application on facebook or a phone app. God texting us telling us exactly what to do each and every day. An application helping us to become a better person, a better Christian. I know it would make my life easier. All the really hard decisions I have to make in life could be a click away.
Too bad getting the answers to all our questions isn’t that easy. Too bad we can’t depend on God at the click of a mouse button to make our lives perfect. I got to give it up to whoever created the “Message from God” application. It always peek’s my curiosity when I see messages waiting from God. I fall into the trap of clicking to see what God has to say to me on this day.
Today God wanted me to know this………..
On this day of your life, Julie, we believe God wants you to know Wealth does not come from your bank account; wealth comes from the depth of your heart.
What you really want is happiness. You might believe that a fat bank account will get you there, but that’s false. Happy people are happy rich or poor, unhappy people are unhappy rich or poor. Money simply masks your real being by giving you activities to occupy your mind. Don’t fool yourself, recession or not, your true wealth comes from your heart and is always only there.
I know this, “message from God” application. I have been learning this lesson the hard way over the past 6 years. And it is not something an application taught me. My bank account has never been big and unless I win the lottery it will never be. My heart on the other hand is richer than I could have ever asked for and no dollar amount could ever replace that.
Don’t get me wrong, it would be nice if one day the “message from God” application said; On this day of your life, Julie, God wants you to know five hundred million dollars has been deposited into your bank account. You no longer have to worry about feeding your family or keeping a roof over their head. No more worries. Now go and make a difference in this world.
Wow, what a day that would be. A bank account with money in it. A bank account that reads positive and not negative. It would be nice to have a new home or one in better shape in a better neighborhood. It would be nice to have a new car or go on a family vacation.
Someday, it would even be nice to receive a direct message from God, but I am not ready to go there yet. I have a lot left to do in this world with or without money in my bank account. So right now I will continue to listen for the whispers from God, keep my eyes and ears open to the opportunities he places before me; hoping I am doing all he is guiding me to do.
And I will most likely still be curious, on occasions, to see “What God wants me to know on this day”
Luv, luv,