My Rosary
In 2002 after completing my Right of Catholic Initiation for Adults (RCIA) we had a family gathering and I received my one and only Rosary. I thought it was the most beautiful Rosary I had ever seen. I remember tucking it away for a little while. After a year of not really knowing where it was, thinking it was lost at times; I found it.
From that point on I kept it with me in my purse where it still resides today. I am not masterful in any way shape or form when it comes to praying the Rosary. I only wish I prayed it more often and with more reverence.
It is something I hold near and dear to my heart. See it was my mother-in-law who gave me my first and only Rosary. I can’t imagine receiving another from anyone else. She, however, prays the Rosary masterfully, dedicated and with beautiful reverence. Something I have always admired about her. At times, as a family, we would tease her and say she has a connection with God like no other. Most times I believe she truly does.
When the family needs special pray we call her. Even when we don’t call her we know we are in her prayers. There is not a day that goes by when my mother-in-law doesn’t pray her Rosary and I am personally thankful she does. We could all learn a lot from her, but sometimes get too caught up in our own lives to pay attention. I know I am guilty.
I am not sure she realizes how much she and this Rosary have impacted my life. Why this is the most precious gift I have ever received. I have broken the Rosary, pieced it back together and yet to me it still remains beautiful to me. When I am not feeling well, depressed, or need the presence of God; I take out my Rosary and put it around my keck. It’s with me in church. Sometimes I fall asleep with it in my hands while praying. I often roll the beads between my fingers to clear my mind. Sometimes I just hold it in my hands.
My mother-in-law means the world to me. She is a friend, a confidant and most of all she has been a Mother to me. Today while receiving a service award I kept the Rosary close to my heart. I found peace in knowing it was there and knowing the giver of such a precious gift was sitting in the audience. I don’t tell her enough how much I love and appreciate her and my father-in-law. I don’t see her enough anymore or talk to her as often as I like. I do however carry her with me every single day of my life.
I love you mom. Thank you for being part of my special day. Happy Birthday!!
Luv, luv,