Prayer- Chapter 2
Prayer ought to be in our lives something as simple as our relationships with the ones we love, as natural as the air we breathe. (Daniélou)
Love, on the other hand, is the very fact of a communion established between two beings situated on a level that is more profound than the sphere of our feelings. (Daniélou)
Loving God means knowing that we cn count on God and tha God can count on us in spite of our emotional complications. Referring to the theological virtues, Jacques Rivière once said that “Faith means to beleive in God in the spirit of appearances; charity, to love our brothers in spite of what they may do to us; hope, to hope for spiritual good even when they seem to be impossible.” (Daniélou)
The best way to love others is to fulfill our task well. There are “virtuous” people who wear themselves out because they beleive they are responsible for everything. Sometimes this can create perpetual bad conscience. (Daniélou)
A world that threatens to die from spiritual suffocation.
“I exist only to the extent that I am loved.”
“Lord, Teach Us to Pray the Our Father” – Chapter 3
Meditation is a penetration into the meaning of things we already know — or, things we think we know, but whose contents we are, in reality, far from having understood.(Daniélou)
“When you pray, go into your room and pray in secret. And your Father sho sees in secret will repay you” (Matt.6:6)
What turns us away from God and keeps us from praying is less than the number of words than it is the number of desires and worries that preoccupy us.” (Daniélou) I have to say AMEN here!!!