Purple Converse, Flannel Shirt and Jeans
Have you ever pulled up to a house with a porch the size of your own house and think I can’t go inside? Or walked into a room where everyone is dressed up in suits, dresses or dress pants and you realize you are totally underdress? Or maybe you’re feeling like Kristen Wiig in the movie bridesmaid?
It’s so easy to just feel sorry for yourself, turn the car around, and go home. But like the movie says, ”You’ve Got To Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself. Cause I Do Not Associate With People That Blame The World For Their Problems. You Are Your Problems And You’re Also Your Solutions” So true!
Sometimes you just got to tuck away all those insecurities and just have fun with what you got. Show up with whatever God gives you at that moment and make the best of it. What you will find is God’s blessings all around you.
All too often in life we look at another person’s wealth by the cars they drive, the home they live in or the clothes they wear. We are constantly judging the book before we even opened up the pages to see what story is behind the cover. Stop. Open the book and look inside to see the wealth of someone’s heart. You will be amazed at what you find.
Most likely you will find; someone who likes the same things as you, has experienced the same things you have, shares the same insecurities and more than most likely, shares your values. Someone who, if you took all the material things away, has the same heart you do.
God does not care if we are in a suit, a dress, or jeans, flannel shirt and purple converse. He just cares that we are tenderhearted and forgiving. God doesn’t want us judging others, instead he wants us to, LOVE one another as he has loved us.
So next time those insecurities show up, take a deep breath, say a little prayer, put a smile on your face and be ready to be blessed, even if you are wearing purple converse.
Luv, Luv,
Ps. My favorite birthday gift from my 16 year old son.