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Damascus to JerusalemThis past semester I had the privilege of studying the books of Paul.  Paul, whose was originally named Saul was traveling to Damascus with the mission of wiping out followers of Jesus and the Christian Church.  On the road to Damascus, Saul was struck down by a blinding light.  Saul heard a voice, “Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?”  Who are you, lord?” Saul asked.  And the voice replied, “I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”(Acts 9:4-6)

Saul was the only one in the group to see the risen Christ.  He was blinded by the light, but continued his way to Damascus.  Meanwhile in Damascus Jesus appeared to Ananias and told him to go to Saul, as Saul was his chosen instrument to deliver the gospel.  When Ananias found Saul with Judas’, he laid his hands on Saul and told Saul he was there to restore his sight.  It was then Saul became Paul and Paul became a Christian.

When I think about the conversion that Paul went through it blows me away.  It took Paul having a unique experience with Jesus to do a complete turnaround.  Who wouldn’t go from non-believer to believer under those circumstances?  If Jesus was to appear to us today; would we see it as a message from God, or would we think we have gone completely mad.  I guess it would all depend on where we were on our own “Road to Damascus”.

What about the conversions in our own lives.  Are we living the lives Jesus wants us to live or are we living our own lives?  Have we had a moment where Jesus has blinded us with light?  Woke us up?  Put something different in our lives?  Or maybe shook us to the core?  Have we acknowledged them as moments of change or have they just been ignored.

Not all conversion processes are going to be the same and I think that is what makes them each beautiful in there own way.  For some it might be overnight.  For others it might be a moment in time, or a long journey.  My personal “Road to Damascus” has been a long winding road that has taken me to the deepest depths and the highest peaks.  At times I have been thirsty and at other times my mouth has been so full of water I feel as if I was drowning.  It has brought complete joy and overwhelming sadness.  But most of all it has given me the strength and courage I need to continue each day with Love, it has given me the ever growing Faith to find Hope in each new day and last, but surely not least, it has brought me to God.

As we end the celebrations of the birth of or Lord Jesus Christ; might we think about the coming New Year and how our own personal “Road to Damascus” will change not only our own lives but the lives of others.  Might we be aware of God’s blinding light, whether it is literally or just an experience growing our faith.  May we listen intently to the whispers from God and reflect on them with earnest intention.  While traveling the long windy and sometimes bumpy roads, remember to continue prayer and remember God is always with you.

Luv, luv,





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